Christ as King Lawgiver and Judge

History is written by the victors. History is rewritten by propagandists. But true history narrates the actual events through the testimony of eyewitnesses.

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*Over a ten-year period, political science professors at the University of Houston analyzed over 15,000 writings and speeches by the founding fathers to determine the primary source of ideas behind the Constitution. The three most quoted sources were the French philosopher Montesquieu, English jurist William Blackstone, and English philosopher John Locke. But the bible was quoted more than any of these: four times more than Montesquieu, six times more often than Locke, and twelve times more than Blackstone. Thirty-four percent of the Founding Fathers quotes were quoted either directly or indirectly, from the bible.

*Five Lies of the Century. Davis T. Moore. © 1995 Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois. pp 9–10.

The Isaiah 3322 Project will present America’s history based on the characters themselves; their writings and the writings of their contemporaries. In this way, true history will be shown to be neither the fanciful dreams of perceived victors in any dispute nor the revisionist dreams of those who seek to obscure the true history of America.



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Genesis through Saul as King.



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Magna Carta through Declaration of Independence.



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Articles of Confederation through the US Constitution. This section will engage the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the Journal of the Constitutional Convention writings.

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Dr. John Diamond was recently interviewed by former UN Ambassador Alan Keyes on his show "Let's Talk America."

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